• ​Application closes soon. Limited availability. Only 5 2 spots Left. 
Earn Up To $85,000+ Dollars When You Become A Surrogate!
Think You Qualify?
  • Age between 21-40 years old
  • BMI between 18-32
  • Be a U.S. citizen, legal resident or legal immigrant
  • Not currently on governmental financial support
  • No history of clinical mental illness
  • Must allow background checks both Surrogate and husband/partner
  • Healthy reproductive history with no major complications during pregnancies and birth
  • Must have given birth to and be raising at least one child
  • A non-smoker living in a non-smoking home
  • Six months need to pass since last vaginal or cesarean birth
  • No history of criminal activity, no felony convictions

Success Stories
Ashley's - Journey 
Holly's -  Journey 
Zarah's -  Journey 
Fee Schedule:

At SurrogateFirst, we keep our surrogate’s best interests as our top priority. Your satisfaction is our #1 priority - physically, emotionally and financially. SurrogateFirst’s Compensation Package is 100% transparent, easy to understand and competitive.

  • Surrogate Base Compensation: $40,000-$60,000 and higher base rate. Paid in monthly Installments.
  • Surrogate Benefits Compensation: $10,000+ in benefits and services before & after pregnancy.

SurrogatePLUS+ is a special program designed for surrogates that meet specific requirements that enable us to quickly match you with intended parents. Surrogates that qualify will enjoy up to an additional $15,000 in base compensation.

  • SurrogatePLUS+: $40,​000-$60,000 PLUS an Additional $15,000 added to your base rate!! 
  • That's a potential: $85,000!
Take Our Survey To See If You Qualify
Do you smoke or use drugs?
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